Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Real Reason I Eat With Sterling Silverware

Since 2008 I have eaten each meal (at home) with a fork, spoon and knife made of sterling silver. Eccentric? Yes, of course. But then again there is a reason for everything. I came to the conclusion on day that I just couldn't go without having a set like this. You could say it was eating at me before I began eating with it. Part of it stems from being an amateur silversmith. I started doing that because I loved it so much. I only like doing things that make me happy and I'm sure you're the same way. I just tend to do some 'different' things than you do, and I don't mind at all. I embrace them because they are who I am.

At around the same time as I bought my silver set I was figuring out who I was. I did more research on AS than I had previously and it was a real eye opener. I quit fussing over why I did certain trademark things and just let them happen, for better or worse. A feeling of calm came over me when I realized who I was and not to be afraid of it.

Recently I sold the old three piece set and bought a four piece of a repousse design. Eating with a what can be considered artwork suits me well. It did cost a pretty penny ($160) but it was well worth it. Often times I just sit there and admire my set after I've used it. The fork gets used most often and even though I polished it a little the prongs react with saliva in a way that tones them a few different colors, most notably blue on the very tips. I don't think I need to tell you why I like this color or even what it means to me ;)

This is what the set looks like. Some of my older work can also be seen here but I am currently about to re-open my workshop, and with renewed vigor to boot.


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