Friday, November 25, 2011

Parade of the Senses:Taste

(I might go a couple different directions all at once here, try to keep up ;)
As far as taste goes there are certain aspects of it that are linked to smell and all the other senses. It is possible to taste the air, say nearing the ocean. That salty flavor just hits you can recall all the times you've spent on the coast. Taste could be a feeling someone left you with, such as a bad taste in your mouth. Taste is probably the oddest of all the senses because you can't categorize it fully. It can have a whole bunch of different literal and figurative meanings.
I mean yes I love my food more than the next man but there are certain things I like or dislike, food and otherwise, that could be called 'tastes'. The word is like the salt and pepper, no pun intended, of the senses being that it can be used on a number of different things with good results. I appear to have lost my self at the moment. Anyway, taste is something that is subjective in a lot of different ways. Its the sense equivalent of "you either like something or you don't".

Friday, November 18, 2011

Busy as a Beaver

Lately I have been driving around Massachusetts buying silver and gold off of people. Dad gave me a bankroll to do it with and it has already increased three-fold. It can be strenuous at times but its what I love to do, and trust me it beats a regular job. After all I am going to be doing this anyways when I work in the jewelry trade so I might as well get accustomed to it now. I've met some characters recently. It all goes to show you that you never know what is going to happen next or where you will be.

The first collection I bought really set me on the right track. I paid the guy a hundred, the asking price, and saw enough gold while going through part of it to get my money back. When I got home I looked at everything, which took two hours, and by the end of it all I had $1,300 in gold and an 80 point diamonds worth $800-1000. Needless to say they don't all go like this but I was happy that one did.

Only a few more months until I go down to Nashville for jewelry school so I'm making the most of it, in more ways than one.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Parade of the Senses:Touch

I have often seen a picture of myself as a baby, a couple of them actually, that show someone picking me up and me doing a sort of back bend. This was known as 'The Arch" to my parents and their friends. I think that a certain portion of me being picked up like that as a kid still remains. Often you pick a baby up by their armpits. I HATE when someone touches me there, so much so that I have a 'knee jerk' reaction that involves me shooting my elbow back in an attempt to stop someone from touching me. This reaction does not care who you are, I'll elbow the sh*t out of you. I used to chase my sister around the house when she did this to me. I think the reaction comes from a helpless feeling of not being in control, like someone can just pick you up from behind and do what they please. Other than that I have no real problem with touch, at least I don't think I do.

Everyone has their own personal 'bubble' space and, what with assault laws these days, people tend to keep touch to a minimum. As for personal tastes I, like everyone else, have my preferences. I don't like cashmere at all because all of those little fibers can get on my hands and if I were to touch or itch my eyes I would possibly get one of the fibers in there and it would screw with my contact lenses. Speaking of which, it took me around thirty minutes to put them in the first time but no it’s easy, and I can freely touch my eye if I need to without flinching. I tend to like the feel of sort things, which shouldn't be much of a shock. Dogs and cats are at the top of the list. Just like anything else, though, make sure they don't mind being touched.

I don't like things that are cold and wet as they remind me of damp fall whether where your limbs feel like they might shatter if you tapped them on the table. Anyone else who lives in the Northeast knows this feeling. Cold and wet are okay on there own but together the two are evil twins. Come to think of it I don’t think anyone likes this feeling. One water feeling I actually crave is rain. I love rain drops hitting me in the head to the point that I walk slowly through the rain with my head uncovered. I have no idea where or when I started to like this feeling but it has remained constant over the years. I don't see why people run around to avoid it all the time, its just water. (Well, people work really hard on their hair or their clothes are too nice to get wet I suppose).

The subject of touch was a hard one for me. Unlike the other senses its all about personal preference more than anything else. I'll probably need to go back and revamp this entry, but for now, that'll do.

Questions or comments? Let me know (although you folks never do ;)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Power Outtage Here in Northeast

Just got internet back yesterday. I should be updating either today or tomorrow. Until then...