Monday, November 1, 2010

Topics to discuss

I would like some topics that you want me to talk about related to Asperger's or my thoughts on anything you would like to know, either about myself or the way I think/perceive the world. The ball is in your court.


  1. My 19 year old brother has aspergers and never smiles im just wondoring if his having aspergers has anything to do with it

  2. I am mostly that way, too. Its not that he is not happy so don't worry about that. He may be smiling when you're not looking. I usually don't smile in any of my photos. The most you can get out of me is a little smirk. If you make us laugh, then a smile is inevitable. The thing is that smiling to me, and probably your brother, just doesn't feel right or natural. It feels odd, almost foreign. In terms of range of emotion people with AS tend to express either happy, or angry and not a whole lot in between. I'm sure you realize that it is difficult to read a blank face sometimes. On the other side, we find it hard to read a face that is capable of so more expressions that we have to try to interpret just to understand.
