So I woke up last Tuesday, October 2nd and it
was my sisters birthday, but that doesn't come into this story much (I called
her at 8:30am, was the last in the family to do so, and sort of felt like a
dick but I got over it). So that morning at was looking in the mirror and I
noticed a small mark on my face that surely was not there the night before. I
didn't think much of it and continued on my way. Over the next couple of days
the mark grew in size and and spread a little. I began to think what it could be.
Now I don't smoke cigarettes and never will (I did have a cigar at a
bachelor party recently and it was fun and will probably do it again, but
that's the line) but I have been known, on occasion to smoke
something else. Go ahead, judge all you want, but I did cover this topic in an
earlier post and describe the brief but very noticeable 'benefits'
that this plant has on me. Anyhow, I was certain that by passing a joint around
I had gotten my first cold sore aka herpes simplex. Right then I looked up
pictures of it and sure enough they matched. When I picked up some Abreva at
the drug store the tech on duty told me that it looked like herpes. I felt like
a leper, doomed to walk the earth with this shit on my face forever,
although not all at the same time, just whenever it broke out again. According
to my dad, who like many people has it, I would be getting an outbreak about
three times a year at most and maybe even far less often. I still felt bad,
real bad. I was going through the 'seven stages of grief' and got stuck
on number four for a couple of days. I just couldn't stop feeling bad for
myself and you already know how lonely I am to begin with.
I kept looking ahead in my mind about how
to tell a girl and when (providing I meet one soon) about how every so often I
would be getting mouth sores and then I would imagine her reaction. Either way
you look at it can't be good because if she has it as well, I would have to be
ultra cautious about not wanting it on my private areas or the other option;
she runs away so fast that all you see are ass and elbows flailing. I don't
think anyone would understand, I think for me that would be a deal breaker
because things don't always work out and it seems like people are getting
divorces just for fun these days. Armed with the better cream I got from dad, I
prepared to embark on my new life of dodging glances (and to think I was just
getting comfortable around people). The cream seemed to be good and dried out
the area well, unlike Carmex which, according to the late Mitch Hedberg, was
"cold sore hi-lighter". Friday evening came along and I was looking
at my FaceBook news feed when a post from Deb Marree came up. You
know those people who post political crap on their walls and make sure everyone
knows their opinion? Well that is what Deb does, with food and how
it should be natural, but her posts are actually beneficial (like for instance
you should only buy organic strawberries because all the non-organic ones
have so much crap put into them it isn't worthwhile to eat at that point) to
people who take the time to read them. I love food, a lot, so I read mostly all
of them. Now Deb is a woman who contacted me from down under, literally
she lives in Australia to help her son out with some autism related
questions, which I was happy to answer. So I was reading a post that showed a rash
on someones arm and her caption for the shared photo was 'I wasn't
surprised to see "Autism" on this post !' didn't read the post
but in the comments section, and by some miracle of God this was the first
one so I didn't need to scroll down or open 'see all comments' to see it
was the following " Ryan,
it's not the actual mango you are allergic to, it's the skin. The peel contains
urushiol, like poison ivy. Use gloves. (so I've heard) Don't believe everything
i tell you!" Three guesses to who ate fresh mango on Monday. Not only
did I eat fresh mango but after taking it out of the fridge, you age them like
a pear in a brown paper bag at room temperature and then put them in the fridge
so they don't spoil. So the fruit was a little stiff around the core and I
decided it was too hard to cut off with the knife so I just stuck my face in
full force like a fat kid eating a chocolate bar. I rubbed my lips up against
the skin and tried to get every last bit of fruit left. Now I had no idea that
mangoes had urushiol, the same oil that causes the poison
ivy rash in the skin and 5 mm into the fruit. This was the biggest relief I a
have ever had in my life! Now I'm not going to say it doesn't itch like a
mother and I haven't had poison ivy for around six years as I tend to freak out
when I see three pointed green leaves mixed with red ( I even thought maple
tree sprouts were poison ivy plants once upon a time). So I had a rash I knew a
lot more about than the herpes I was sure I had. I simply washed my blankets, pillow
covers, sheets, towels and clothes and yoga mat/towel because we do
one posture in Bikram where you put your mouth on the towel, and I had eaten
the mango the last day I did yoga.
So there you have it. I was
freaking out about having herpes when it was a case of mango-induced poison ivy
rash. Everyone I told this story nearly died laughing when I told them that
part and I can easily see why.
As for me I have sworn of
eating fresh mango for good, or at least letting it touch my lips and hands and
I will certainly not be cutting up any myself. It should also be known that
today my mom was relating the story around the office and a coworker was amazed
to find out that her daughter, who had been to the doctor many times and even
he was baffled by the sores she had in her mouth and on her lips, had her
regular fresh mango eating habit to blame for it. My mom said the daughter
'lived off mangoes', according to the coworker. I guess she has to get off that
wagon for good too. I think I’ll just settle for the lightly dried and bagged
mango pieces I had while at Worcester Academy back in 2005, as they never gave
me a bit of trouble.
Questions or Comments? I’ll gladly
pay for your stitches if you split your side with laughter.
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