Thursday, February 23, 2012

What Is The Deal With My Hearing?

Since I was younger I have noticed a sort of constant static sound. I hear it most if not all the time. I only don't notice it because there is so much else in this world to hear. But once I hear it, like the ticking of a clock you notice in a room and then can't stand, I am stuck concentrating on it for a while. It may sound odd but I don't truly know why I hear this way. I try and describe it as 'listening to yourself hear. I don't know if this is AS related or how it could have come up. Let's go through some of the possibilities.
Loud noises such as whistles being blown near the ear or any other unannounced loud stimuli have never given me a problem. I don't necessarily block them out as I do ignore them. I have realized that they are going to occur whether I want them to or not and whining about it doesn't do anything. This may, like dealing with bullying and my overall mental toughness, be a temperament thing. I am able to get used to pretty much anything. Since I was younger, around five years old, i have heard my heart beat through my ear canal as I try to sleep. This gets annoying and the doctor said it is likely a fluid build up that can be drained, although I didn't ask how that is done. Still, my hearing is second to none, as was discussed in my earlier post Parade of the Senses: Hearing. Like the static that I usually hear I can easily detect a new static presence. If a TV is on but the screen is dark, or in a closed cabinet as it was in high school, I know as soon as I enter the room. I realize its not a groundbreaking feat, but it happens.
The static noise may be caused by metal detecting for the last thirteen years. A blast through the headphones every now and again from a large target could have taken a toll. Then what about all of the whisper like signals I frequently hear? Some barely register at all and I have to re-sweep the ground to make sure I really heard something. Is that my ability to hyper concentrate and notice changes or my keen hearing, maybe both? Loud music could also have been a factor.
I like my music on the louder side, but mostly so I can hear every little note as well as background noise. There are so many layers to 60s, 70s and other classic rock that I enjoy hearing. In fact if you listen to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here, the original and not the remaster, you will hear the background static and wind like noise. Although much more subtle than that, this is what I hear constantly. There is no crackling, just a low noise that does not change in pitch or volume. You may think that this noise is enough to drive a person insane, but I do just fine.
I would like to try going in a soundproof room just to see if all of the electrical interference noise that is emitted by everyday items around the house or any given area might be the cause. After I notice static fields and all the devices may be to blame. Until I find out for certain, I guess I will never know.

Questions? Let me know.

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