Have any of you out there read the book "The Giver"? I read it in middle school and it is about a kid in a fictional community and his given job is to be taught by an old man to receive people's memories. Some memories are pleasant while others are filled with pain. It is his job to store them in his mind, sort of a living library of people’s lives if you will. The reason I bring this up is because this is the way I feel most of the time. Although it can vary sometimes my memory is a very powerful thing, abnormal in every sense of the word. My inability to stop cataloging events as they happen to is both a blessing and a curse. The good and the bad, I remember it all. I sometimes get clarification of what happened, just to make sure of details, but I'm usually pretty sure of what went down. This applies to both sober and inebriated memories, many of each I had in college. I can remember something for you if you ask me to, sort of like a PDA.
My own pool of memories goes back to when I was about 2 or 3, with selected things coming earlier. I know this by asking my family about what happened and when, as research for my autobiography. I just wonder if there is a limit to how much I can recall as the years go on. Is this normal to not only remember but recall the state of mind I was in and how I perceived the world at that point in time about most of the things that happened in my life, as well as those I was a part of in terms of others I know? Some things do naturally fade, such as what I had for lunch that day or little things like that. It’s just that the more important things and a lot of random crap remains lodged in my head for what seems like eternity.
A good thing about this is that I tend to learn from my mistakes. So what do you all think. Am I a freak, or just lucky? Maybe it is a little of both.